What is Call 4 Concern?
We recognise that patients, relatives and carers know their loved ones best and will be able to tell when their condition is changing for the worse.
Patient safety is one of our top priorities, and we have robust systems in place to detect whether a patient is deteriorating in hospital. However, Call 4 Concern provides an extra layer of reassurance, supporting patients, relatives and carers to call for help/advice from the Critical Care Outreach Team when they are concerned about the patients’ condition.
The Critical Care Outreach Team, or CCOT, is dedicated to helping our unwell patients at the Lister and provides prompt assistance and evaluation to patients whose condition may be deteriorating.
Using this service will not have a negative impact on your care or that of your loved one in any way.
The Call 4 Concern service can be contacted by calling: 07557490705
When a patient, relative or carer uses Call 4 Concern they’ll be asked for some information, including:
- Their name
- Patient’s name (if different)
- Ward name
- Brief description of their concern
The CCOT nurse will prioritise the urgency of the call and will visit the patient on the ward to discuss the concern(s) and assess the patient, if necessary.
A note of the Call 4 Concern will be logged in the patient’s medical notes summarising the concern raised and the actions taken.
As the CCOT team responds to all emergency calls at the hospital and may be assessing another patient, there may be occasions where the CCOT team may be unable to promptly answer the call. In this instance a message should be left on the answerphone with the details above.
- For patients who feel that their condition is deteriorating
- For a relative, friend or carer who has concerns about a hospital patient’s clinical condition deteriorating
- There has been a change in their clinical condition, and they feel the ward team aren’t addressing their concern.
The Call 4 Concern service should only be used after the nurse in charge or doctor responsible for them has been spoken to, and there are still concerns.
The Call 4 Concern service must not be used to discuss:
- Parking
- Visiting times
- Hospital food
- Hospital cleanliness
- Complaints
- Any other general issues
These queries should be discussed with a member of staff on the ward in the first instance.
More information
More information about the Call 4 Concern service can be found in this information leaflet.